How most of the mankind could be doomed to suffer in Hell

There is an old saying, "As you sow, so shall you reap". I am sure everyone has heard of it. It means that you'll reap good, if you do good and vice versa. if, you have ever truly followed what the religions have preached and not what the religion has become today, then you might understand the term 'Karma' better than the rest who are indulged in this fake religious system that our species has made of what was made by the Gods for the welfare of our society. Actually, modern religion is just using the fear of God against their very own people to make them live the way these religious leaders want. That's not the whole story but that's what we are witnessing today on a massive scale and it's not getting better anytime soon. But what will never be forgotten is the teachings related to good and bad Karma. According to Google's definition, Karma is the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their f...